New ISIS video shows Kurdish Peshmerga soldiers in cages in Iraq

(CNN)ISIS has released a new propaganda video showing what appears to be Kurdish Peshmerga fighters paraded down Iraqi streets in cages.

The video features a man saying the Peshmerga soldiers were captured by ISIS.

CNN cannot independently verify the authenticity of the video. But it shows at least 21 men in orange outfits hauled in the cages atop the beds of pickup trucks.

A man with a microphone bearing the ISIS logo interviews some of the captives, who say they are Peshmerga soldiers. Most of those interviewed say they are from Kirkuk. The prisoners, under duress, call on their fellow Peshmerga soldiers to give up their fight against ISIS.

The video also features superimposed bios for each prisoner. One captive is described as an officer for the Iraqi army.

The heavily edited footage also includes flashing clips of the recent beheadings of Christian Egyptians in Libya.

It's not clear what happened to those in the video. The last scene shows them alive.

But a man in the video gives an ominous warning.

"We say to the Peshmerga: Leave your jobs, or your fate will be like these, either the cage, or under the ground," he says in Kurdish.

The Peshmerga are armed forces protecting Kurdistan, a semiautonomous region in northern Iraq. The fighters opposed Saddam Hussein's regime and supported the United States in Operation Iraqi Freedom.

In recent months, the Peshmerga have been battling ISIS as the terror group tries to establish a radical Islamic state across parts of Iraq and Syria.


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